Viewing Suggestions

Use headphones or be in a quiet environment; click on the full screen option

Best viewed with the HD setting and on a big screen.

Place your hands on your belly and feel the movement of your breath 

Periodically, soften your lips and silently exhale through your mouth

Release any pressure on yourself, rest easily and enjoy these pauses


Breathing Room Series
Long Form

The Long Form is a continuation of the Breathing Room Series of contemplative motional art. Each video is 10 minutes or longer for extended contemplative practice. Gift yourself with some breathing room and take a sensory journey into the aesthetic mystery of NatureBeingArt.

Step 1: Find a comfortable seated position and invoke basic rhythmic breathing to slow down time and let your brain rest.


Step 2: As your body settles in place, let your attention alternate between focusing and wandering so you can regenerate your energy as you receive the beauty of the natural world.



Resonant Reflections (2022)


Portal: Descending Ascension (2021)


Movement & Stillness (2021)


Awakening Earth - Spring (2020) Part 1 of the Pandemic Trilogy


Planetary Metensomatosis (2020-21) Part 2 of the Pandemic Trilogy


Immanent Becoming | Being Nature (2020)


Earth Day 2020 - Remix #1





What People are Saying:

Transporting, timeless, infinite, exquisite both in sight and sound.     - Jim, somatic psychotherapist


So soothing to watch - truly a visual and audio meditation. The opening photograph reminds me of a classic Chinese mountain painting. While I was watching the video, I let go of trying to figure out what each image was and just enjoyed the beauty and subtle transformations. - Lesley, artist and dancer

Watching it has transported me into a deep contemplative state of mind and I am delighted to be a privileged witness of such a graceful and amazing world. I love how the images blend and melt one after the next letting my eyes, my heart and my attention be moved. A deep feeling of being part of this awesome nature; I let the images come to me and at the same time I feel as if I am going toward them and being watched by the image. - Isabelle, dancer and teacher

For online and live classes on the contemplative art of breathing and moving with Jamie McHugh, go HERE

"Ecology is functional cosmology.” - Thomas Berry

"You carry Mother Earth within you. She is not outside of you. Mother Earth is not just your environment. In that insight of inter-being, it is possible to have real communication with the Earth, which is the highest form of prayer." - Thich Nhat Hanh